Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Typically this adage refers to how one should conduct oneself in relation to others. This administration has applied it in a completely different manner.
[I shall] Hear no evil: Those speaking disparagingly of our president, his decisions, or administration are quickly shut down and discredited.
[I shall] See no evil: Despite physical evidence to the contrary, this president (and his cronies) refuse to admit to anything that contradicts their "alt-facts".
[I shall] Speak no evil: No contradictory communication shall issue from our government under this administration. Trump takes Bush's you're either with us or against us to a whole new level. You're either with us or I will contain you.
Much like a spoiled 17th century monarch, nothing that challenges anything other than idyllic or 100% support will be acknowledged. Anything short of that will be stifled.
Given that attitude, executive orders (an end run around Congress) and executive proclamations become a dangerous tool.
My fellow Americans, the time is now to be diligent and watchful.
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